Saturday, July 16, 2011

Miss Grumpy Face

Caley-Bug continues to have serious reflux problems, and now is also having a lot of head congestion. Caley's nurse is going to talk to the doctors on rounds tonight and see if there's anything we can do to help her.

We visited with Caley for several hours this evening and she did really well while being held. Except for constantly pulling out her cannula. She has a very expressive face already, and let us know how unhappy she was every time we put it back in!


  1. Oh she is so cute!!!! She is growing

  2. She does have a very expressive face! Probably bc shes a smart muffin :) I'm sorry to hear about the reflux. That is no fun. Here's praying that she grows out of it quickly.

  3. What a sweet (if grumpy) face!
