Wednesday, July 20, 2011

gourmet dining, Caley-style

Caley's continuous feeds are up to 7 ml per hour, which is her full-volume feed based on her weight right now. The new attending doctor decided that once she's clearly tolerating that volume, we're going to slowly work on shifting her to bolus feeds. So, for example, they might give her a larger volume over 2 hours and then give her a 2 hour break, or something like that. Once we get her to a point where she can handle full-volume bolus feeds through her feeding tube, we'll start trying to give her a bottle. And we'll also have to change formulas by then because Elecare, the one she's on now, tastes and smells AWFUL. Some spilled on Mommy's shirt yesterday... ugh.

Caley's nurse last night and tonight was Susie. She thinks Caley is getting to be a bored little preemie. As we've mentioned before, Caley is something of a night owl, and has long periods of alertness during the night shift. Last night, she was just crying and looking around, but Susie could find nothing wrong. We're going to start slowly trying to introduce some new visual stimulation to Caley (probably a stuffed animal or rattle at first) and see if that helps. Until she can maintain her own body temperature, though, we won't be able to try a swing or bouncy seat.

Finally, Caley gained 50 grams and she's up to 1170 grams. She needs to get to 1800 grams before she can move out of the isolette. Go Caley!

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