Saturday, July 9, 2011

another two-fer

In sum: Caley is fine, but we are exhausted.

On Friday, Caley had to receive another blood transfusion. Despite the EPO treatment and the iron she had been receiving, her red blood cell level remained too low for the doctor's liking. So they gave her a "boost" with some more blood, and now she is very pink! We didn't realize how pale she had gotten until we saw her today - pictures to come soon. The other apparent result of the blood is that Caley has been having very little apnea, and no bradycardia events since the transfusion.

The doctor also decided to try Caley on a formula called Elecare for a while instead of milk, since she has been showing signs of feeding intolerance (primarily all the air in her stomach, and an occasional loopy bowel). She started on that last night, and seems to be doing okay with it so far.

Caley also had to get a new IV yesterday because the last one went bad. So now her left arm is pinned down instead of her right one. She isn't any happier about that. And we never did learn what infection - or other ailment - Caley may have had earlier this week. But she seems fine now, and they have stopped her antibiotics.

Today, Caley got to snuggle with Daddy for a couple of hours. He helped her work on taking long, deep breaths. And Mommy visited later today, talked to Caley for a while, and got her tucked in to bed for the evening.

Saturday nights mean weighing and measuring at the hospital. Caley now weighs in at 980 grams (2 pounds, 2.5 ounces), and is 36.5 centimeters (14.4 inches) long. She'll be over a kilogram soon!

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