Tuesday, July 12, 2011

6 weeks old

Caley is 6 weeks old today. She also passed the 1 kilogram mark -- she is 1074 grams! We took a picture during her weigh-in this evening.

The way this is cropped, she looks much bigger than she really is. 1074 grams is just over 2 pounds, 5 ounces, and she's still just 14.5 inches. But she's definitely growing!

Nothing new today to report. Caley's food has been increased over the last couple of days, and is now being fortified to increase her calorie intake. She is digesting fine, but has been spitting up quite a bit. We plan to talk about that with the doctor tomorrow.

For now, Caley says night-night!

1 comment:

  1. Marie,
    My name is Melissa King and I work for Jim Altman at Xcel Energy. He told me about your blog and I have been checking it every day. I love to read about how everything is going. I have a daughter that will be one next week. I can't imagine what you are going through but I wanted to know I am keeping up with how things are going with Caley. She is so precious. I wish you the best!

