Wednesday, July 6, 2011

back and forth

Caley is off food again. This morning when Marie got to the hospital, Caley's temperature was low, her belly looked funny, and she wasn't acting like her usual self. The nurse practitioner agreed that her stomach looked worse and that she was acting different, so we've gone into cautious mode. They took another x-ray (same as before -- lots of air, but nothing suspicious) and took more blood to check her CBC and CRP.

Nothing is jumping out as being clearly problematic, but it is possible that she has another infection of some sort. So her feeds are stopped again, she's on antibiotics, and they took blood cultures and a urine sample. Caley will get TPN and lipids by IV, starting this evening, since she's not getting any milk. We probably won't know more until Friday.

Caley seems to just be sleeping a lot. We're worrying a lot. These ups and downs can drive you crazy! Hope we have some more ups to report soon.


  1. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers! Thanks for keeping all of us updated as I'm sure there are many nights that you're exhausted and posting is the last thing on your minds! Hang in there and know there are so many prayers and well wishes flowing to all of you!

  2. Please feel better soon baby Caley. We'll be praying for you.

  3. The NICU is 4 steps forward, 3 steps back: repeat ad nauseum. Praying for a better day & a good report on Friday.
