Thursday, July 21, 2011

giving up the Starbucks habit

Another 50 grams tonight makes Caley 1220 grams! Apparently she took the "keep on growing" message to heart. Keep it going, little girl!

Caley also got another bath today. But we need to learn to give her baths in the evening, not after lunch. She got clean, got new clothes, snuggled up in a blanket, and slept soundly for about 7 hours. Here's an (edited and stylized) picture of her zonked out:

And Quackers pictures are coming -- really. But we didn't want to wake up Caley to play paparazzi today.

The biggest (and slightly terrifying) news of the day is that the doctor discontinued Caley's caffeine. Cold turkey. We hope she's outgrown those apnea-bradycardia spells enough that she doesn't need it anymore, but it's scary! We're praying that her 34-week-developed central nervous system comes through for her.

1 comment:

  1. So precious! I wish I could get Madeleine to sleep that long at one time! :)
