Sunday, June 5, 2011

28 weeks

Today would have been the official beginning of Marie's third trimester.  That makes Caley's developmental age 28 weeks.  Marie visited Caley in the NICU for the first time today, and got to cradle her a little bit.  It was difficult, but good to see her.  She's so tiny and fragile.

Caley was removed from the ventilator today and is doing well breathing on her own.  The little monitors aren't always sensitive enough to pick up her respirations, so it's sometimes nerve-wracking to hear the monitors beep thinking she has stopped breathing, but nothing is wrong most of the time.  The next goal is to get Caley regulating her glucose level a little better.

The nurse today was Lorraine, and she indicated that within a few days, it may be possible for us to begin "kangarooing" Caley and actually cradling her to our chests.  We're praying for that day to come soon.


  1. Kirk and Marie,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. We're glad to hear some good news and expect to hear more of it!

    Brad and Amy Swanson

  2. oh Marie. I am so glad you are getting to hold her. I just can't imagine how hard that must be to have to limit your time with her. I am so glad she is doing so well and has moved off the ventilator!

  3. that is very great news that she is doing well
