Monday, June 13, 2011


Tonight we heard Caley sneeze for the first time. Of course, this led us to immediately worry that she was getting sick or something else awful was on the horizon. Nurse Sarah thinks it's just a little congestion from the cannula, and assures us that it's good for Caley to clear it on her own by sneezing, rather than just waiting to be suctioned. So we're going with that theory, but still praying it's not a cold.

Caley had another good day. She continues to do well with just the cannula. And her feedings have now been increased -- from 1 ml every 6 hours to 2 ml every 3 hours. We thought those volumes would give you a good idea of just how tiny she is!

And proving that she is just like any other baby (though in miniature), Caley peed all over her pretty pink gown when they were doing a diaper change today. So we're doing our first laundry load of many dirty baby clothes to come. It's kind of nice to have something normal like that to do.

1 comment:

  1. oh, its such fun when they pee on you. many more years of that to come! Glad shes eating well :)
