Friday, June 10, 2011

a long week

We were so exhausted last night, we forgot to post an update. This week has been a long one, as we try to get settled into something of a routine with visiting the hospital. We don't have it figured out just yet, but we're getting there.

Nothing much new to report on Caley from yesterday. Her glucose levels still are too high, so the doctors continue to work on adjusting her fluid levels. She seems to be tolerating the trophic feeds well, and they are going to start her on nutritive feeds soon. And we're still waiting for her eyes to open. The doctor assures us this is nothing to worry about, but for some reason, Marie is fixated on it.

One great thing to look forward to: we should be able to hold Caley again today!

1 comment:

  1. I hope Caley had a good day. Thinking about you guys and sending all my love. xoxo. And happy belated, daddy Kirk.
