Friday, June 10, 2011


Caley had a good day today. Her oxygen was down to only 22 or 23% for much of the day, and she was regulating her own blood oxygen level pretty well. Her little intestines seem to be responding to the trophic feeds, which means real feeds are on the horizon.

One change we noticed right away is that there were a couple of pacifiers in Caley's "condo" with her. (Although in Marie's world, they're called "ninnies.") We asked the nurse about them, and she said they've started giving them to Caley to soothe herself. We thought that was pretty neat.

We stayed at the hospital for quite a while tonight, and saw Nurse Laura do a lot of Caley's routine care. Caley has definite opinions about what she likes and doesn't, and makes her opinions known. For such a tiny little baby, she can squeal awfully loud! (We think she takes after her Aunt Emily in that regard.) She also kept sticking her left foot out of her little papoose -- and she definitely takes after Daddy in that regard.

Finally, we both got to hold Caley again tonight. It's our favorite part of the visits!

Keep praying for more good days.


  1. yay for good days :) and for a smiley mommy!

  2. I don't think we've met yet, but we're your neighbors at 1765. Deb and Shari sent out your e-mail. I just wanted to let you know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Our twins, who just turned two, were NICU babies, so I really do understand what a hard emotional roller coaster you're on. Someday we can chat about it, but for now just keep loving your baby and don't forget to take care of yourselves a little too.
