Friday, June 3, 2011

small changes

Today was a day where the doctors and nurses were starting to get to know Caley and were able to fine-tune her treatment by making smaller incremental changes to her medications.  It was also a day when the staff felt that Caley was entering into a growth and normalization period.  As much as the doctors are learning about how Caley reacts to things, Caley is also learning how to regulate her own body chemistry.  For example, the doctors were able to reduce dopamine levels 90-100% from yesterday's levels, helping Caley to not have such wide fluctuations in her blood pressure.  Her glucose levels continue to fluctuate a little, as the doctors try to fine-tune her nutritional needs.  The doctors are also using a special lamp to help break up any surface blood clots and pooling that may occur on Caley's skin.  Today's nurse was Kodi.

Please pray for Caley to continue to grow, get stronger, and have more "steps forward" than "steps back!"

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