Monday, August 8, 2011

just when you start to relax...

The hospital staff (and we) have started using the expression "when Caley goes home." It's something we had been afraid to say for a long time. But now we're hopeful that day will come within the next month.

So, of course, today we had a little setback. Nothing major at this point, but Caley had her bi-weekly eye exam today and has developed retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Most of the time ROP resolves itself and doesn't cause any lasting problems, so we'll pray that's what happens, and that her ROP doesn't become more severe.

Trying to remain optimistic, but being realistic, Caley also still has a small bleed in her brain and chronic lung disease. We'll be optimistic because neither seem to be causing any major problems at the moment. Today's eye exam was just a little reminder that things like this could crop up for Caley as she continues to develop. We haven't even reached Marie's due date yet (it was August 28), and Caley already has done 10 weeks of developing on her own!

We'll leave you with a shot of Caley complaining about Daddy giving her a bath.

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