Thursday, September 1, 2011

sure glad we took that CPR class...

Caley gave us quite a scare this afternoon. Mommy noticed that she was spitting up (which she often does, just like any baby with reflux) and went to clear her mouth, when she noticed that Caley didn't look quite right. After picking her up and getting no response, Mommy saw that Caley was turning blue. Daddy started CPR, and it probably took a minute before Caley blinked and started crying and noticeably breathing again.

About then, the paramedics got to the house. By the time they examined her, Caley was breathing fine and her heart rate was fine (though she was pretty pale), but because we did CPR, they took her to the emergency room at Children's to get checked out. Everything looked fine there too, but they went ahead and re-admitted Caley to the hospital for observation overnight.

So we're back in the NICU tonight, and not in our comfy private room. It's going to be a long night ahead, but hopefully Caley will be just fine and back home tomorrow. We'll update everyone tomorrow.


  1. Did they not send her home with the monitor that she wears around her chest & it beeps if she stops breathing? That is what you need.

  2. Sounds like you and Kirk knew exactly what to do! I'm glad that everything looked fine at the hospital. We'll be praying that the rest of the night went well and that you guys are on your way home today.
