Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Caley Marie!

This wasn't how things were supposed to happen, Caley.

But today, at 2:17am, you were born by an emergency c-section.  It saved both you and your mommy.

You weighed less than a pound and a half, and were less than a foot long.  You were taken to The Children's Hospital in Denver, and you'll be spending time in their NICU instead of mommy's belly for the next few months. Daddy watches over you as much as he possibly can while mommy works on healing.  We love you, and wish you a happy birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet I love reading how well everyting is going! Caley is in my prayers. Marie Im so glad you are home. you take care of yourself & get well girl! get rest while you can casue you will need it to spoil Carley when she gets home! Love you all so much!
